Tree Pose

Tree Pose
Find your Roots and Grounding

Monday, August 29, 2011

How do I practice meditation with my mind wondering?

A lot of students share with me that they think it is impossible to meditate if there mind is constantly thinking about all there "to do" lists or the weeks events etc. The mind has a job, it's nature is to be thinking. Students new to this practice may think they are going to sit down and expect the mind to shut off like a switch, that is very unrealistic. I tell students new to meditating treat the mind like a child. Be firm, but gentle. Be patient, yet clear. Set your expectations modest and give yourself at least a month to let this "practice of Meditation " sink in. It is important to pick a place in your living space that is comfortable and at a certain time of day that is relatively quiet. Sit in a comfortable position either on the floor or in a chair. This space will start to become your sacred meditation spot, every time you come here you will relax and be open to your practice of meditation. There are many types of ways to meditate.  I will explain a simple way to start. Let eyes close softly. Allow yourself to become comfortable. Now, notice your breath. Watching the breath is the easiest way to focus the mind. Watch it come in and go out, in and out of the nose if you can. As thoughts come and go, allow this to happen, but do not dwell on any one thought. keep "pulling" your mind back to watching the breath. Initially start with 5 minutes, build up to ten , fifteen etc. As you keep practicing the time goes quicker. Set a timer if you are on a schedule so the mind does not have to worry about what time it is. Give yourself space and time for this practice to develop. Before you know it it will become second nature and you will be on the way to meditating. How often? depends on your schedule.

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