Tree Pose

Tree Pose
Find your Roots and Grounding

Friday, July 10, 2015

Do your own Yoga by just breathing!

Summertime is a time to take things a bit slower, stop to smell the fresh herbs, tomato's and flowers that abound! A great way to bring yourself into the moment is with the breath, so breath easy, breath in summer and relax! ( following is a re-post from one of my previous blog posts, I feel it is so important to read again)
The real reason we do yoga: To focus and relax the mind. Hmm, sounds so easy.  Focus and Relaxation in our culture is as elusive as winning the lottery! Being on the roller coaster or merry go round of life; relaxation alludes the best of us. I have seen children through ninety something's "stressed out". It is not very mysterious at all how to relax the mind. We all do it every day. Just breath!  Take a minute and think about your breath. We all have at least one minute in our busy lives to watch the breath. Listen , feel your own breath. While standing at line at the bank, post office, airport. While waiting for a doctor's or dentist's appointment. Right before digging into dinner.  How about first thing in the morning before anyone is awake? Yoga is just that easy, anyone can do it, anytime , anywhere. Once you make watching the breath a habit, the practice of breathing becomes second nature. You will begin to feel calm , peaceful and relaxed. Go ahead , do something for yourself. BREATH!

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