Tree Pose

Tree Pose
Find your Roots and Grounding

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Living "Our Yoga"

Regular practitioners of yoga asana (poses), pranayama (breathing practice) and dhrana (meditation), yoga nidra ( deep relaxation) find aspects of these practices seeping into their daily life over time of consistent practice. A sense of calmness, centering, peace within, focus, flexibility in mind and body are some of the "side-effects" that regular practitioners notice.  The not so obvious. I have had students share with me that while they were sitting in a dentist chair or facing a scary medical procedure that almost automatically /instinctively they began there breathing practice, calmness and relaxation soon followed. In my own life I have noticed a huge difference in how I handled PMS years ago and now Peri-menopause symptoms. I have seen for my own eyes students lower their blood pressure significantly and reduce or eliminate their blood pressure medication. The benefits of a regular practice, be it breathing alone, asana on its own, just meditation or relaxation any combination of these practices becomes part of our daily lives in a positive and reinforcing way. The other way a yoga practice affects us is with our interactions with others. We also find an inner peace and acceptance of ourselves. We may be aware or not that we are more patient with others, more excepting of others differences because of this inner peace we know as “ Our Yoga”

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