Tree Pose

Tree Pose
Find your Roots and Grounding

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Restorative Yoga -Important and Necessary

The holidays are just around the corner...... After reading that sentence did your pulse quicken? Did your head start spinning with thoughts of to do lists out of control? No worries...
Restorative yoga has the ability to help us manage holiday stress, daily life and reoccurring stress by resetting our nervous system. Allowing our bodies and minds to take a mini vacation from life, gives us the chance to disengage from all the distractions of life , quiet the body and mind.
Restorative yoga are yoga poses that are assisted with props , the props help us get into a comfortable position that allows the body to gently stretch, release inner physical and mental tension by taking time to just be. A meditative focus during the holding of the pose , focusing on the breath, repeating a mantra or affirmation helps deepen the relaxation affect. Most of us are on over drive 24/7. Even when we sleep we may not be truly "restoring" our bodies and minds. Research as shown and articles have been written about the numerous illnesses in our society related to stress.
Take some time this year to jump start your relaxation response by attending a restorative workshop.
Nancy will be hosting a workshop on November 2, 2014 at 1 pm.

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