Tree Pose

Tree Pose
Find your Roots and Grounding

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Restorative Yoga for All!

Restorative, just the word invokes thoughts of relaxation. Add some relaxing deep breathing , quiet soothing music , you have got yourself a recipe to reset the nervous system. The idea of lying in a pose for 5-10 minutes may scare some folks, however Restorative poses done right will allow the body and mind to visit a place deep inside there being , a place that in these hectic times of electronic devices, over scheduling and lack of sleep do we rarely if maybe never get to experience. You can do your own restorative poses very easily at home. All you need is a quiet comfortable place on the floor a few blankets, bolster if you have one or a sturdy pillow. One such easy peaceful pose is child pose.
Find a place where you can be on all fours , knees and hands, place a bolster or pillow between your legs, lie forward with our head and neck either in neutral or lying to one side over the pillow, let your buttocks sink over your heals, allow your breath to become rhythmic and soft . As you notice your breath , allow your breath to move to your back. Visualize a peaceful place or time and allow your self to stay in this position for 5-10 minutes. Voila ! this is restorative yoga.

1 comment:

  1. Practical steps for doing the Yoga which you have shared, could be really helpful and impressive. Thanks for the sharing. Kalpana Srikaanth astrologer | Pancharatna gems Coimbatore
